Public Records Requests

Consistent with Washington State law, the Board is committed to providing the public full access to records concerning the administration and operations of the District. Such access promotes important public policy, maintains public confidence in the fairness of governmental processes, and protects the community’s interest in the control and operation of its common school district. At the same time, the Board desires to preserve the efficient administration of government and acknowledges the privacy rights of individuals whose records may be maintained by the District.

District Public Records Officer
Requests for school district records should be directed in writing to the Public Records Officer listed below, whose responsibilities include serving as a point of contact for members of the public in this process and overseeing the District’s compliance with the Washington Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW, and Policy 4040.
The current Public Records Officer of the District may be reached at the District’s Central Administrative Building as follows:

Julie Peterson, HR Manager
355 W. 3rd Avet
PO Box 458
Phone: (509) 738-6625
Fax: (509) 738-6375
Email Julie

More information can be found by reading the
 policy and procedure in its entirety.